The Roy Gomm
Parent and Faculty Assc.
the PFA
The Roy Gomm PFA welcomes and encourages all parents to get involved and take an active role at our school. The programs we support give every student activities in school that can inspire them. This includes PE, Computers, Spanish, Art and Library. Together, we can make a positive and lasting impact on our scholars.
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Roy Gomm PFA Goals & Activities
FundraisingThe benefits of membership
Principle Barbara Barker with a message about the PFA
Our Mission

What we do

Our mission is to support the courageous, connected community of students and faculty at Roy Gomm Elementary School. We bring our time, talents and funding to give every student at Roy Gomm a full spectrum of activities throughout the day and year. Our budget and parent volunteers support classroom aides, physical education, computers, Spanish, art, the library and more.

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The teachers of Roy Gomm elementary schoolGopher it!
Our Members

Who we are

The Roy Gomm PFA is made up of parents and faculty from our school. We aim for every family to join us as a member. All board and general meetings are open to every member. Find our meeting dates on the school calendar. We love hearing from you! To be a member, we ask for a $20 yearly membership fee. All the funds that we raise through membership and events go to support the students at Roy Gomm. The details are in our budget. Parents contribute so much to our school environment and to the joy of learning for every scholar on campus. Sign up on our membership page.

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